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Truly British Experience:afternoon tea & boat cruise at the Lake District!

It was the British who claimed to discover the pleasant and restorative effects of tea. One day a gentleman called Earl Grey was walking with a friend through India when he noticed an undistinguished looking shrub covered with greenish leaves. it was a hot day and he felt very thirsty. Earl Grey said to his friend “I say, Carstaies - do you see that undistinguished looking bush or shrub over there? Now that would make a nice cup of tea!” It was also the British who claimed to rule the waves!

Recently I had the pleasure of visiting UK villages and suburban areas to experience true English lifestyle. My favourite is Lake district because of its unparalleled beauty of its nature. Lake district is famous not only for its gorgeous lakes, but also for its associations with the early 19th century poetry and writings of William Wordsworth and the other Lake Poets. There was no better moment than enjoying sunset over a boat cruise and sipping Early Grey tea by the lake!

(Team BIG TAK Rudi) 

name.. :記憶
