来週の日曜日12月10日は、リバーポートマリーナのプライベート花火大会 超ローカルですが...
Next Sunday, December 10, is our private fireworks display at Riverport Marina , it is super local...
This time, after obtaining permission from the city and the fire department, they will move the wood pier to the middle of the Sagami River by boat and launch the fireworks from the middle of the river! Good job!
BIG TAKⅡの定位置で、アフトデッキにマリーナのカメラを設置して花火を撮影予定です
To be honest, I didn't have expect much for last year's fireworks at first, but the sound was much more amazing than I had expected, probably because of the close distance, so I have even more expectations this time .
We plan to set up the marina's camera on the aft deck at the BIG TAK II's to take pictures of the fireworks .
そして、いつもお世話になっているニコラス号五島(ゴッシー)オーナーはこの花火の為に、何とご自身のBOSE音響機材をすべて提供して、当日マリーナを音楽で盛り上げてくれる予定なんです!ひゅーひゅー♪ やっぱり流石だ
And the owner of the Nicholas Yacht (called Gossy) will be providing all of his private BOSE sound equipment for the fireworks, and will be playing music for the marina on the day of the event! He is the MAN!
というわけで、先日マリーナで機材や音響チェック、今のところすべて順調 BOSEスピーカー音も最高!!!
So, equipment and sound all checked at the marina the other day, so far all is well BOSE speakers sound so great!
BTW, how come Gossy has such great equipment in the first place ^_^;?
Here is a little video of the acoustic check by playing some Southern all star's song!(Video)
Team Nicholas will even have a kitchen car on the day of the event, so I'm looking forward to eating there as well.
Also, I was also sooo surprised to hear that Kadoya-san (Kado-chan), who is always a quiet mechanic, would be playing in the jazz band!
What! , Kado-chan was playing in a band?!
You never know what people are doing behind your back! (LOL)
Please remember these two gentlemen well!
We have had a lot of unusually strong winds recently, so I hope the weather will be fine on the day of the event!
It's been another year of lackluster performance, so it's time to have a little fun at the end of the year.
おっといけね~その日は早朝から真鶴出航だったわ!、花火に遅れないように帰港しなくっちゃ😅 へへへ
Oh well~ we have to leave for Manazuru early in the morning that day! we've got to be back to Marina on time so we don't miss the fireworks 😅 hehehe
ご機嫌よう! Have a nice day and evening!
Captain/Team BIG TAK