特に先月辺りから明らかに相模湾からマリーナ上空を通過する軍用機が多発しており、BIG TAKⅡで海上を航行していると、かなりの轟音とともに一日中頻繁に遭遇します。
Especially since last month, there have been many military planes passing over the marina from Sagami Bay, and when we are sailing in the BIG TAK II , we frequently encounter them all day long with a considerable roar.
Occasionally, that Osprey-like aircraft also flies over.
こんなふうに、マリーナでBIG TAKⅡの真上を飛行(動画)
Flying just above BIG TAK II at the marina like this.(video)
Somewhat, it's obviously more frequent than before, so it's a bit spooky!
Is there any secret military operation we don't know about?!
This neighborhood is certainly close to Atsugi and Yokota Air Base, so we hope it's just a regular training....
平和な日本であるがゆえに、いきなり「ドカン」と、何かあると「平和ボケ」が一気に飛びます, 飛びます!
Because Japan is a peaceful country, when something happens suddenly and "Boom", the "peaceful mindset" jumps up and down at once!
Let's all live in peace for the time being !
Captain/Team BIG TAK