(Continued) As we returned to port from Uchibo and entered Sagami Bay, the calm conditions changed drastically, and suddenly the wind began to blow from the west to the southwest.
Well, these things have been bothering us a lot lately.
The forecast was indeed for this day to worsen in the evening, but it was earlier!
Thanks God! Glad we left Hota port earlier !
In no time at all while sailing, the winds were nearly 13 mph W-SW .....
海も一気に白波が....The sea also has whitecaps at once ....
Covered by waves (video), but returned to port at normal cruising speed. Please be careful not to get seasick by watching below!
After returning to the marina, sea conditions turned rough.
Having operated BIG TAKⅡ for many years, I remember that winter in Shonan was mainly north to northeast winds with many calm days, but especially in recent years, the winds can blow beyond the forecast so we recommend sailing in the morning time for a while!
Captain/Team BIG TAK